Preliminary Lessons in Conventional Warfighting from Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: February–July 2022


Zabrodskyi, Mykhaylo et. all. (2022), Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies


Assessment of the Ukrainian Armys and Russians Army strengths, vulnerability and capability. This is based on the periode February 2022 to July 2022. Results are important for NATO partners and can help to discuss support opportunities for Ukraine. Take away, 1. Consumption rates are high and critical for high-intensity wars. 2. The Ukrainian Army could resist due to its adaptability and innovation rather than superior equipment. 3. The use of old weapon systems has to be rethought and combined with the impact of new systems. Old systems are not obsolete and the war in Ukraine shows that they are still capable. “For Ukraine, victory is essential but can only be achieved with the ongoing support of its international partners.“ (21.02.2023)