The Review


The Romanian Development Review published by The Romanian Association for International Cooperation and Development (ARCADIA) aims to serve as a forum of knowledge sharing opening thought-provoking debates on topics relevant to the field of international development. While connecting local and regional initiatives to the global context, the Review provides insightful contributions and coming trends dedicated to professionals working in the non-governmental and governmental sector, scholars and students interested in the discipline. Starting in November 2014, the review appears bi-annually and it is open-access.

Each issue is dedicated to one general topic which is analyzed through several articles, essays, interviews and opinions. Therefore, in order to ensure the comprehension, significance and visibility of projects and actions performed in the field, the editorial board strongly encourages the submission of written contributions from experts, action groups and organizations actively involved in areas covered by the discipline, working in Romania and abroad.


The current issue of The Romanian International Development Review published in October 2015 opens the discussion around the effectiveness and impact of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the sustainability of the new global objectives enshrined in the post-2015 Development Agenda.


Get connected to regional and global debates through the Romanian International Development Review! Stay driven! Happy reading!